About the Rehabilitation Center

The team at the Rehabilitation Centre is a multidisciplinary team of professionals with decades of experience. We use methods and techniques developed by ourselves and borrowed from our colleagues abroad, the main aim of which is to help people with partial or total sight loss acquire and improve the skills they need for everyday life.

LSB Rehabilitation Center is the only one in Latvia which deals specifically with rehabilitation and vocational training of persons after sight loss

History of the organisation

LSB Rehabilitation Center is the only one in Latvia which deals specifically with rehabilitation and vocational training of persons after sight loss. It was established in 1993.

During last years understanding of importance of rehabilitation among visually impaired has positively changed. One reason of shift in attitude is good quality of services and individual approach towards every person’s needs. Another reason may be sharp decrease of number of workplaces in four LSB sheltered enterprises, which provided employment for everybody who wanted to work.

Rehabilitation center and its 12 territorial rehabilitation day centers all over Latvia offers for blind and partially sighted  people basic social rehabilitation services. In cooperation with Latvian State Employment service occupational training for persons in working age is organized.

Social rehabilitation includes mobility training, Braille reading and writing, selfservice skills, housekeeping, cooking etc.., in 2008 there are 2 programmes – 50 and 400 hours per person.

Earlier within the framework of occupational training person could learn or improve skills in two professions: making of wickerworks and massage.

Approximately 75 percent of 61 trainee who have learnt wickerwork making, have found their places in the labor market working mainly as self-employed craftsmen. After finishing training courses many of 61  masseurs successfully continue to work in this profession of their choice.

Owing to generous support of private sponsors – Soros Foundation and Queen Juliana Foundation – and partly with assistance of government, a computer class was created in Rehabilitation Center in 1998. Currently there are ten training places there – four for totally blind persons and six for partially sighted. Braille line, synthesized speech or magnified screen allows trainee to access information. It’s possible to enable person to obtain necessary information by operating the Internet.